Policies and Management Structure
- Policies and
Management Structure - Climate Change
Initiatives - Environmental
Initiatives - Social
Initiatives - Governance
Initiatives - External assessment
- Sustainability Report
(Issued July 2024)
- Sustainability Policy
- Corporate Philosophy
- Materiality
- Materiality Identification Process
- Relevance of Materiality to SDGs
- Meeting for Promotion of Sustainability
- Employee training on sustainability
- Initiatives for Human Rights
- Information Disclosure and Communication
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Sustainability Report
As MTR’s asset management company, we, MORI TRUST Asset Management Co., Ltd. (“MTAM”) recognize that efforts to improve sustainability such as environmental consideration, contribution to society and strengthening corporate governance though our asset management operations are essential for growing unitholders' value in the mid-to-long term. We hereby establish the "Sustainability Policy" and aim to implement it.
Sustainability Policy
(1) Promoting GHGs emissions reduction and energy saving
- We recognize the importance of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy saving with a long-term goals of net-zero emissions by 2050 in order to support the international goals set out in the Paris Agreement and contribute to climate change mitigation.
(2) Contributing to recycle-oriented society
- We strive to contribute to realizing sustainable recycle-oriented society through implementing measures to make effective use of limited resources, such as water saving and "3Rs" for reducing wastes, i.e., reduce, reuse, recycle.
(3) Streamlining internal management system and strengthening compliance
- We establish internal management system to effectively promote initiatives based on this policy and strictly comply with laws and regulations including environmental and social matters. In addition, we promote sustainability initiatives by improving employees' awareness and performance by continually implementing educational and awareness-raising activities focused on environment, society, and governance (ESG).
(4) Respect for Human Rights and realization of DEI-friendly work environment
- We respect human rights based on international norms such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and engage in business operations in compliance with human rights-related laws and ordinances in the countries and regions in which we conduct our business activities. We also respect each and every employee, regardless of age, nationality, gender, values, or disability, and strive to create a healthy and comfortable work environment where each individual can reach his or her full potential.
(5) Promoting health and comfort
- We implement asset management that seeks improvement in health, safety, and comfort of tenants and facility users.
(6) Responding to climate change and improving resilience
- We identify and evaluate risks and opportunities that arise from climate change and reflect them in our asset management operations, and by doing so, promote initiatives for adapting to and mitigating climate change to respond to risks and opportunities.
(7) Collaborating with external stakeholders
- We make efforts to contribute to reducing environmental impact of our assets under management, improving tenants' satisfaction and developing sustainable local communities through engaging and collaborating with external stakeholders such as our tenants/occupiers, suppliers (e.g. property management companies) and local communities.
(8) Disclosing ESG information
- We strive to proactively disclose ESG information such as this policy and status of sustainability initiatives to build good relationships and communicate with stakeholders such as our unitholders, tenants and suppliers.
Corporate Philosophy
- The Asset Management Company was founded as a member of MORI TRUST Group for the purpose of managing the assets of real estate investment corporations.
The inclusion of “Trust” in our company name conveys the idea that we serve society and are mandated by society to manage assets over the long term. We are, therefore, required to conduct business based on the fundamental management principles of providing high quality real estate management, increasing added value and contributing to social and economic development.
The concept of “Trust” is expressed more concretely in the following four qualities, which form our corporate philosophy.
(1) Reliability:
- Trust between the trustor and trustee will form the basis of everything we do.
(2) Continuity:
- We will prove ourselves worthy of the trust placed in us by operating and managing assets over the long run.
(3) Benefit Sharing:
- We will share any profits generated with society and stakeholders for our mutual development
(4) Social Nature:
- We will contribute to society by conducting socially beneficial business activities.
- Furthermore, the Asset Management Company has adopted four basic management principles for realizing this management philosophy: “Growth potential,” “Profitability,” “Stability” and “Transparency.” Striking a balance between these requirements, we endeavor to achieve enduring corporate management in order to prove ourselves worthy of society’s mandate and to live up to the expectations and trust of our shareholders, employees and other stakeholders.
To endure and survive as a company, above all else, it is essential to build a compliance structure based on high ethical standards and to ensure compliance. We are committed to doing this based on the strong awareness that it is imperative for us to conduct our day to day operations in strict compliance not only with laws and regulations but also with social norms and internal rules.
For more information about the Asset Management Company, please refer to the link below.
- MORI TRUST REIT has identified the issues to be focused on as materiality while promoting various initiatives on issues regarding ESG based on the “Sustainability Policy” of the Asset Management Company, and has given priority to the identified issues. Also, MORI TRUST REIT aims to contribute to the achievement of “SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)” adopted at the United Nations in 2015 through initiatives for the materiality.
Materiality Identification Process
(1) Clarification of Issues
- Clarified issues in consideration of the expectations from stakeholders involved in MORI TRUST REIT and society, issues recognized in the REIT sector, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ESG evaluations by external organizations, recent social trends and the Sustainability Policy of the Asset Management Company, etc.
(2) Organization and Summarization of Identified Issues, Assessment of their Importance and Priority
- Organized and summarized the identified issues considering the major past and current initiatives, and then assessed the importance and priority of each issue.
(3) Identification of Materiality
- Discussed the draft materiality prepared based on the assessment above at the Meeting for Promotion of Sustainability established at the Asset Management Company, and identified materiality of MORI TRUST REIT.
Relevance of Materiality to SDGs
- The relevance of the materiality of MORI TRUST REIT identified in accordance with the materiality identification process to the SDGs is as follows:
Meeting for Promotion of Sustainability
- Meetings for promotion of sustainability are held regularly to ensure that Sustainability Policy is implemented and the sustainability goals are achieved.
・President & Director (Chief Officer with the authority to make final decisions on matters related to the promotion of sustainability)
・Other Directors
・General Managers of the Strategic Management Departments and Investment Departments (Operating Officers of matters related to the promotion of sustainability)
・General Manager of the Business Administration Department
・Compliance Officer
・Other members whose attendance is considered necessary by operating officers
(Details of discussions and reports, frequency of meetings and examination process)
At meetings for Promotion of Sustainability, policies regarding sustainability are established, revised or abolished, and a range of measures that should be taken in line with the Sustainability Policy are discussed and reported.
Meetings for Promotion of Sustainability are held four times a year. We are working on continuous improvement through the repetition of the PDCA cycle, including the examination and planning of measures, the reporting and evaluation of progress, the analysis of results, and the examination and planning of improvement measures.
Matters discussed at the meetings for Promotion of Sustainability are to be decided upon and implemented according to the asset management company's Rules Regarding Administrative Authorities.
Employee training on sustainability
- To spread the awareness of sustainability among employees, employee training on sustainability is provided periodically by inviting outside consulting companies as part of the environmental educational and awareness-raising activities.
Initiatives for Human Rights
- Based on "Respect for Human Rights" in the Sustainability Policy, the Asset Management Company supports and respects the human rights policies stipulated in international principles such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and promotes measures to respect human rights. The Asset Management Company has established the following rules to be complied with by the Asset Management Company. Such compliance rules apply to all officers and employees of the Asset Management Company involved in the asset management of MORI TRUST REIT. In addition, various stakeholders including our business contacts are also expected to respect human rights in their business related to MORI TRUST REIT.
(1) Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment
- We respect the human rights and personality of individuals, and never engage in discriminatory behavior or conduct that leads to sexual or power harassment on the grounds of gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, social identity, physical disability, etc.
(2) Prohibition of Child Labor and Forced Labor
- We support and practice the effective abolition of child and forced labor. We also observe the minimum working age stipulated by law and do not force workers to work against their will.
(3) Respect for Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
- We support and respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with law, and do not discriminate in hiring, promotion, dismissal, or transfer decisions.
(4) Controlling Excessive Working Hours and Overtime
- We comply with labor-management agreements (36 employee-employer agreement) regarding overtime work and make efforts to control excessive working hours and overtime work.
(5) Payment of Wages Equal to or Above the Minimum Wage
- We pay our employees wages equal to or above the minimum wage stipulated by law to ensure the stability of their livelihood.
(6) Compliance with Equal Pay for Equal Work
- We prohibit unreasonable differences in treatment between regular and irregular workers in accordance with law.
- The Asset Management Company identifies negative impacts on human rights in the asset management of MORI TRUST REIT, and continues to implement measures to prevent and improve various issues related to human rights. In addition, there has been no material violation of laws and ordinances regarding the rules.
Information Disclosure and Communication
- To build good relationships and communicate with stakeholders such as our unitholders, tenants and suppliers , MTAM widely disseminates information about our sustainability policy and the status of sustainability initiatives through MTR’s financial results presentation materials, asset management reports, its website and press releases.
Stakeholder Engagement
- MTAM recognizes that it is important to build good relationships with stakeholders such as customers and suppliers, the unitholders of investment corporations, local communities and employees. We have, therefore, adopted the corporate philosophy set out below and implement this in order to build good relationships with stakeholders, provide higher quality real estate management, increase added value and contribute to social and economic development.
Sustainability Report
- We published a "Sustainavility Report" that provides comprehensive information about the ESG approach and activities.
Mori Trust Group's vision for promoting sustainability
- *Almost all officers and employees of MTAM are seconded from MORI TRUST CO., LTD.
Under the slogan "from urban planning to future planning," the Mori Trust Group has identified seven priority themes for the sponsor group's pursuit of sustainability and has set out action plans for realizing harmony between the economy, environment and society.
For further details on the Mori Trust Group's vision for promoting sustainability (Japanese only)