Social Initiatives
In accordance with the provisions of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations, MTR is not allowed to recruit employees and the officers and staff of MTAM are responsible for its operation to all intents and purposes. Entrusted with asset management by MTR, MTAM develops human resources through initiatives such as those shown below in order to achieve a high level of asset management. Since almost all officers and employees of MTAM are seconded from MORI TRUST CO., LTD. which is the Asset Management Company’s sponsor, some items describe the initiatives of the sponsor company.
Initiatives for Human Resource Development
Support for the acquisition of professional qualifications
MTAM supports all officers and employees (including contract employees etc.) in acquiring various professional qualifications, such as the Association for Real Estate Securitization (ARES) Certified Master (an educational program that enables systematic learning of practical expertise in the real estate and financial fields) to improve their professional skills. MTAM also bears the costs related to training and examinations for various professional qualifications to improve the professional skills of officers and employees.
Training Program
The following training programs are provided by MTAM or the sponsor to develop skills appropriate to the job and level of the employee.
(Training for all employees)
MTAM holds compliance training for all officers and employees (including contract employees etc.) multiple times throughout the year to improve their risk management skills, including training on the protection of personal information and revisions to related laws and regulations. In addition, we hold annual sustainability and DEI training sessions with external experts to gather information on ESG trends and ESG initiatives in the real estate investment management business, as well as to raise awareness of DEI. Furthermore, we regularly hold training sessions with university professors who are experts in real estate finance, in an effort to acquire knowledge about real estate.
(Training by job level)
(1) Leadership Training
MTAM provides management training and other management training for officers and employees in managerial positions. In addition, the sponsor provides line care training for officers and employees in managerial positions to create a comfortable work environment.
(2) Training for new employees
The sponsor provides new employees with training in a wide range of fields, including company structure, basic knowledge of real estate, and manners as a member of society, to encourage their growth as members of society and to help them understand and acquire knowledge of the real estate business, hotel and resort business, etc.
(Training by department)
The asset management company provides basic training in accounting and taxation, labor management, and energy management for each department assigned, to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote business operations.
(Selective training)
In MTAM, all officers and employees (including contract employees etc.) set individual goals for improving their work skills, and attend various internal and external training programs, such as ESG-related training, real estate market training, and accounting and tax-related training, to achieve these goals.
(Sponsor’s Human Resource Development Programs)
(1) MT TALK:
Training to create company-wide change and reform, all employees reflect seriously on the future vision of MORI TRUST and engage in lively debates and communications on its ideal form.
Training sessions and workshops related to new business knowledge and techniques. These training sessions provide opportunities for mutual stimulation and promote the growth of each and every employee.
For further information on MT TALK, please click here (Japanese only).
For further information on MT ACADEMY, please click here (Japanese only).
System of training programs and qualification support
Personnel Evaluation and Feedback
We conducts performance evaluations and reviews of all full-time officers and employees on a regular basis. Through regular appraisal and feedback, we accelerate employees’ career development and build a transparent personnel evaluation framework.
In addition, all full-time officers and employees (including contract employees etc.) meet with their supervisors four times a year to set goals, confirm progress, and evaluate the degree of achievement.
All officers and employees set quarterly personal goals regarding the targets and results they should aim for through their work, and at each meeting, they and their supervisors check the progress of their personal goals and the degree to which they have achieved them, and revise their personal goals as necessary.
The feedback system for personnel evaluations and the target management system described above enhance the transparency and acceptability of evaluations, and encourage all officers and employees to improve their abilities and motivation.
(Status of feedback interviews)
MTAM pays bonuses to all full-time directors and employees twice a year and has adopted a system in which a portion of the bonus is linked to performance evaluations.
Initiatives for Well-Being (Health and Comfort)
Promotion Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
MTAM promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives based on “Respect for human rights and realization of a work environment that takes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into consideration” which is stipulated by the Sustainability Policy and on DEI policy so that each of our executives and employees, regardless of gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, social status, or physical disability, will be respected for their individuality and attribute differences and each individual can maximize his/her abilities.
In promoting DEI, the Director and President is the chief executive officer, and the General Manager of the Business Administration Department is the operating officer.
Creation of Comfortable and Healthy Workplace Environment
We endeavor to create a healthy and comfortable workplace environment where all full-time officers and employees (including contract employees etc.) can reach their full potential.
(Specific Examples)
・ Leave and work restriction systems for maternal health management
(special leave, restriction of overtime and holiday work)
・ Spouse’s childbirth leave system
・ Maternity leave system
・ Childcare leave system
・ Childcare time system
(short working hour system, slide work system, restriction of overtime and holiday work)
・ Child nursing care leave system
・ Family care leave system
・ Congratulation and condolence allowance system
・ Mental health support
・ Periodic health examinations
・ Use of Group hotels by members
・ Hourly leave system, etc.
・ Implementation of work from home and shift to online meetings, etc.
Implementation of Employee Satisfaction Surveys
To ensure that each employee is respected and each individual can maximize their potential, MTAM conducts an annual all employees (including contract employees etc.) satisfaction survey to identify employees' opinions and requests. MTAM is also working to provide a healthier and more comfortable working environment by formulating action plans to resolve areas for improvement based on the results of employee satisfaction surveys. Specifically, MTAM introduces the following measures to improve working environment.
・Introduction of business casual
・Introduction of office BGM
(Status of Employee Satisfaction Surveys)
Scheme for Listening to Complaints
We listen carefully to the complaints and frustrations of our employees in each workplace and take appropriate steps through the whistleblowing system that is available to all officers and employees (including contract employees, and employees on loan or dispatched from other companies, employees not running in a year from whistleblowing and officers) . We take measures to ensure that no whistleblowers suffers retaliatory dismissal, disciplinary measures, or other detrimental treatment because of their whistleblowing to ensure thorough protection of the privacy of whistleblowers.
Other Initiatives
Human Resources with High Levels of Expertise
We seek the achieve even more sophisticated asset management operations by accepting human resources with extensive experience and high levels of expertise from our sponsor and the sponsor group and leveraging their specialist skills.
In hiring personnel, the sponsor has established the following various human resource recruitment and selection opportunities aimed at diversifying backgrounds and abilities.
- Establish recruitment opportunities with an awareness of innovation abilities
- Recruitment of global human resources and career recruitment through a wide range of channels
- Creation of opportunities to try again in the recruitment process by setting up various recruitment frameworks
Employment System for Older Persons
A system has been introduced to rehire employees who have reached retirement age and wish to continue working until the age of 65 in order to take advantage of their wealth of knowledge and experience.
(Reference) Initiatives for Employees by Mori Trust Group
MORI TRUST, the sponsor of the Asset Management Company, considers the work-life balance of its employees to help maximize each employee’s abilities and strives to create a comfortable environment for them to work.
(Note) Almost all officers and employees of MTAM are seconded from MORI TRUST CO., LTD.
Promotion of Work-Life Balance and Women’s Participation
MORI TRUST has introduced various programs, such as childcare leave, to help employees manage both their work and childcare.
((1)(4)(5): FY2023, (2)(3): as of March 31, 2024)
(Note) Figures shown in (1), (2) and (3) are calculated for employees employed by MORI TRUST CO., LTD. and figures shown in (4) and (5) are calculated for employees assigned to MORI TRUST CO., LTD.
(Systems to Support Work-Life Balance)
(i) Leave and work restrictions for maternal health management
(ii) Spouse’s childbirth leave
(iii) Maternity leave
(iv) Childcare leave
(v) Childcare time
(vi) Child nursing care leave
(vii) Family care leave
Certification as a Childcare Supporting Company and Start of Childcare Business
MORI TRUST is recognized as a company supporting childcare and promoting women’s activities by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and certified Platinum Kurumin and Eruboshi (two stars).
MORI TRSUT opened a company-sponsored nursery, Nursery Room Mirai’s, in Shiroyama Trust Tower in November 2019, which is available for use of the building’s tenants and employees.
Implementation of Work-Style Reforms
・ Participation in "Time Difference Biz” led by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
・ Uses telecommuting and mobile workplace
・ Introduction of “workations”
Health and Productivity Management
The company, employees, their families, and the health insurance society work together on health management-related initiatives. These initiatives have been favorably received, and MORI TRUST was certified as a “Health and Productivity Management Organization” in 2022 (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry).
Personnel-related data
<The number of new hires, turnover, etc. of officers and employees
(excluding officers and employees seconded from outside the company and temporary employees)>